Green Building Program - Effective June 4, 2009
On May 5, 2009, the Board of Supervisors of Alameda County adopted the Green Building Program for unincorporated areas of Alameda County. Effective June 4, 2009, any covered projects submitted for building permit applications will be subject to Green Building standards.
Covered Projects
- Residential � New, rebuilt, or additions that are 1,000 square feet or greater.
- Non-Residential � New, rebuilt, or additions that are 3,000 square feet or greater.
Alameda County Building Department will provide expedited building permits and inspection processing for qualified green building projects under a third party certification program that achieves:
- Residential
- 100 GreenPoint by Build it Green; or
- A LEED for Homes certification.
- Non-Residential � LEED Silver Certification.
Submittal Requirements
- Planning Process: Submit preliminary green design features as part of planning approval process.
- Building Permit Process: Submit construction plans to include green features in compliance with the requirements.
- Inspection Process: Inspector will verify green features during inspections for required projects.
Design Standards
- New Residential (two units or less) � Achieve 50 GreenPoint by Build it Green or LEED for Homes.
- New Multifamily or existing Residential � Achieve 25 GreenPoint by Build it Green or LEED for Homes.
- Non Residential 3,000 (10,000 s.f.) - - Submit LEED checklist to achieve minimum Rating.
- Large Non-Residential (10,000 s.f. or greater) � Achieve minimum LEED rating.
- Other design standards may be used upon preapproval.
Information Center
- Alameda County Ordinance - Green Building Program (PDF - 178kb)*
- Build it Green Checklists
The information and/or any documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current adopted codes, policies or procedures. Please contact this office for additional information.