
The Alameda County Public Works Agency (ACPWA)
Water Resources Section
Well Standards Program
399 Elmhurst St.
Hayward, CA 94544
Alameda County Public Works is the administering agency of County General Ordinance Code, Chapter 6.88 (PDF - 25kb)*. The purpose of this chapter is to provide for the regulation of groundwater wells and exploratory holes as required by the California Water Code. The provisions of these laws are administered and enforced by Alameda County Public Works Agency through its Well Standards Program. Click here to view the Alameda County General Ordinance Code (Select Title 6, Health and Safety, and scroll down to Chapter 6.88, Water Wells.).
The Alameda County Public Works Agency (ACPWA), Water Resources Section is responsible for all well permitting activities for nine cities and unincorporated western Alameda County. The Water Resources Section manages all drilling permit applications within its Jurisdiction, and oversees compliance with guidelines for well construction and destruction, geotechnical and well contamination investigations, well data searches that meet specific criteria, and other activities.
Permits are required for all work pertaining to wells and bore-holes at any depth. A completed permit application, along with a site map, should be submitted at least 10 business days (Monday � Friday) before the planned start of work, if you apply by mail. Allow 7 business days if you apply online. Submittals can be made online or can be sent to the address or fax number provided on the mail in application form (PDF - 39kb)*. When you submit an application via fax, please use a high-resolution scan to retain legibility.
Announcement: new vapor monitoring wells permitting process
- For more info call James Yoo at 510-670-6633.