East Bay Greenway Project - Public Review

Alameda CTC has prepared an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) for the East Bay Greenway, a 12-mile long, Class I Multi-Use Bike Path, Class II Bike Lane and Class III Bike Route from 19th Avenue in Oakland to the Hayward Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) Station. The draft document is now available for public review online or at the Alameda CTC offices at:

Alameda County Transportation Commission
1333 Broadway, Suite 300
Oakland, CA 94612

See the public notice and project location map for more information. Send written comments on the IS/MND no later than July 12th, 2012 to the attention of:

Victoria Eisen, Project Manager
Alameda County Transportation Commission
1333 Broadway, Suite 300, Oakland, CA 94612

Or via e-mail to:

Thank you for your interest in the environmental analysis of this exciting project, which will be made possible if the new Alameda County sales tax measure - known as the Transportation Expenditure Plan (TEP) - is passed by voters in the November 6, 2012 election.