Alameda County's Interagency Children's Policy Council has merged with ALL IN Alameda County. To learn more about our current scope of work please visit - Children, Youth and Families | All In | Alameda County (acgov.org)

Our History
The Alameda County Interagency Children’s Policy Council (ICPC) was established in 1994 to develop a comprehensive and collaborative delivery system of services that would improve the lives of low-income and vulnerable children, youth and their families. Alameda County was one of six counties in the state to receive a special designation to secure waivers for state and federal regulatory and statutory fund restrictions. Through ICPC, this enabled Alameda County to have the flexibility to make funding decisions locally; facilitate integrated programs for children, youth and families; and increase efficiency.
As a result, ICPC developed and launched several important programs for children in Alameda County including the nationally recognized Sexually and Commercially Exploited Minors Network.
In 2011, ICPC redirected its efforts and committed to ensuring positive and equitable outcomes for children and youth through collective impact. Click here to read more about this work.
The Alameda County ICPC is comprised of County Agency and Department leaders and members of the Board of Supervisors. Current Board of Supervisor ICPC members are Wilma Chan and Nate Miley. ICPC is chaired by Lori Cox, Social Services Director and Alex Briscoe, Alameda County Health Director.