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Cal/OSHA Safety Plans and Programs
Agencies and Departments are required by Cal/OSHA to provide safe work environments. Well developed and properly implemented safety plans and programs are essential to the creating and maintaining of safe working environments.
The plans and programs listed below are provided to help you develop and enhance your own safety program as you tailor them to your operations. For assistance on developing a plan for your Agency/Department, please contact the Risk Management Safety staff at 510-272-6920.
Should you receive a call by a Cal/OSHA compliance officer about a complaint or an inspection, Please contact Laura Kitsch, Risk Analyst / Safety Manager at 510-272-6698 or tie-line 2-6698. Attached is a list of rules to remember when a Cal/OSHA compliance officer arrives at your work site.
- CalOSHA in your Workplace (PDF - 70kb)*