Hesperian Boulevard Corridor Improvement Project
The Hesperian Boulevard Corridor Improvement Project, located in the heart of the San Lorenzo community, will enhance traffic safety and further establish a livable community with benefits to motorists, pedestrians, bicyclists, and the San Lorenzo commercial corridor. Additionally, this project will beautify and revitalize the Hesperian Corridor into an inviting streetscape between the I-880 overcrossing and A Street.
Alameda County is currently working with PG&E on finalizing Phase I, the undergrounding of utilities for this project. Construction for Phase I (undergrounding of utilities) is expected to start in late spring, early summer of 2016. Construction for Phase II (streetscape improvements) will begin after undergrounding is completed (tentatively 2017). These dates are tentative and subject to change based on weather conditions and PG&E's construction schedule.
Project Fact Sheet
- Hesperian Boulevard Corridor Improvement Project Fact Sheet - English (PDF - 640kb)*
- Hesperian Boulevard Corridor Improvement Project Fact Sheet - Chinese (PDF - 757kb)*
- Hesperian Boulevard Corridor Improvement Project Fact Sheet - Spanish (PDF - 548kb)*
Public Meetings - Notices and Presentations
- Hesperian Boulevard Corridor Improvement Project FAQs (PDF - 257kb)*
- Hesperian Boulevard Contact Us Information (PDF - 113kb)*
None at this time.
- San Lorenzo Village Homes Association Presentation (09/17/2015) (PDF - 1048kb)*
- Hesperian Blvd Presentation for Public Meeting (10/2/2014) (PDF - 888kb)*
- Hesperian Blvd Exhibits for Public Meeting (10/2/2014) (PDF - 1046kb)*