Albert Lopez
Planning Director

Social Media Toolkit: Virtual Alameda County Community Climate Action Plan Kickoff Workshop

Help spread the word about opportunities to get involved in the development of Alameda County's Community Climate Action Plan (CCAP) and Safety Element. Our outreach campaign will begin with the Virtual Alameda County CCAP Kickoff Workshop from 6-7:30 p.m. on February 16 via Zoom.

To ensure the CCAP and Safety Element best serve these areas, we need input from community members living in Ashland, Castro Valley, Cherryland, Fairview, Hayward Acres, San Lorenzo, Sunol, and the unincorporated areas around Livermore, Pleasanton, and Dublin. People who live or work in unincorporated Alameda County can help spread the word by sharing information about our upcoming Kickoff Workshop with your neighbors, clients, or other stakeholders.

Copy-and-paste text for social media

  • ENGLISH: Has your community been impacted by extreme weather events, flooding or wildfire? Alameda County wants to hear from you! Register for the Virtual Alameda County Community Climate Action Plan Kickoff Workshop on Feb. 16 from 6-7:30 pm:
  • SPANISH: ¿Su comunidad se ha visto afectada por fenómenos meteorológicos extremos, inundaciones o incendios forestales? El condado de Alameda desea recibir sus comentarios. Inscríbase en el taller virtual de lanzamiento del Plan de Acción Climática de la Comunidad del condado de Alameda, que se llevaráa cabo el 16 de febrero de 6 a 7:30pm:

Flyers and graphics for the event are available at the following links:

Our Communications Toolkit includes the following in English, Spanish, and Traditional Chinese:

  • Two dedicated e-blasts to send to your contact lists (both an invitation and event reminder)
  • One blurb to include in an existing newsletter
  • One NextDoor event page
  • One social media post for Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
  • One text message/WhatsApp thread

For any questions or comments, please contact Ali Abbors at [email protected].