Safe Parking Programs
Shelters and Short-Term Housing
- Building Futures with Women and Children
866-292-9688, Call for intake - 3 shelters.
Outside referrals, resources & telephone counseling services for women with or without children who are in crisis and/or in need of shelter.
- FESCO (Family Emergency Shelter Coalition)
510-581-3223, Call for screening and availability. 21455 Birch Street #5, Hayward.
Offers various types of shelter and housing programs for low-income and homeless families.
- First Presbyterian Church
510-581-6203, 2490 Grove Way, Castro Valley.
Operates a tiny home transitional housing program. Call church for schedule and to reserve bed.
- Ruby's Place
888-339-7233, Apply by phone. 1180 B Street, Hayward.
Provides short-term shelter up to 90 days, meals, and counseling for homeless women & minors.